• Benefits of Being in Band


    • Band helps students develop skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Among other things, students will learn to apply self-discipline, dedication,creativity and self-worth through music.
    • Students learn to work independently and co-dependently by learning to apply what they’ve practiced individually and performing select music with the band as a whole. Students employ teamwork in a fun, upbeat atmosphere.
    • In the Seeley Band, our learning is academic, experiential and realistic. We watch movies, do worksheets and play instruments to learn about music--we literally MAKE music! 
    • Playing music expand students' sense of possibility. As students practice and improve their musical skills, they begin to realize the great things they're capable of achieving. 
    • Students build memory and gain an understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication. Their coordination and dexterity improve along with their memory. Most importantly, students gain a strong meaning of attention to detail.
    • Learning music connects and expands upon topics across curriculum. Reading, writing, math, and social studies take on a whole new meaning in band!